Sunday, May 24, 2009


I've been watching Hoosiers this afternoon. I'm not sure how many times I've seen the movie, but I know everytime it is on, I seem to be watching it. It drives Kenna nuts sometimes...

There's a lot to like about the movie; Gene Hackman for one. He plays a talented coach who is trying to escape his past. He moves to a small Indiana town as his last chance to coach basketball. Throughout the movie, strives to fit in with the small town life, struggles against his old nature, and does his best to be true to his calling. To me, it looks a lot like ministry. Maybe the best example I've seen outside of the Bible.

There is a lot of basketball played. That, after all, is why he was hired. There is the one class he has to teach as a part of his teacherly duties. There are all the things expected of a basketball coach in a small town. Then there are the other things.

He begins to get involved in the lives of his students. He's interested in their studies. He is looking towards their futures. He cares for their families. One young man's father is dealing with alcoholism. Hackman's character works towards helping him get cleaned up. He brings him on as an assistant coach. He gives him responsibility. He disciples him.

By the end of the movie, the tears in my eyes aren't because of the last second win. Mine are for the power of redemption I see in those lives. The father/son relationship which is being restored. The coach who realizes his calling and is able to step out of the shadow of who he was and be who he was called to be. The boys who work together as a team and lift each other to new heights.

There is a model of ministry there: relationships. We are surrounded by them and blessed by them. God gives passion and heart to those who would ask for it. There is opportunity for ministry all around us. We just have to be awake enough to hear the call...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Quick Thought

So right now I am sitting at home watching sportscenter with my brother and looking at my laptop battery life dwindle down. It just turned red. That is usually a pretty good indication that you should plug it in to recharge.
So I began thinking about our spiritual life. Is it dwindling down? Has it turned red? Of course only you can answer these questions for yourself but I suggest you really take time to think about it. Is it time for you to plug yourself back in?

I better go...I need to plug a few things back in.....


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Home from Catalyst

Well we are home from a whirlwind trip to Dallas for the Catalyst One Day Conference. We heard Andy Stanley ( and Craig Groeschel ( speak about momentum in the church. Momentum in the church? That kinda seems like an oxymoron to me. An easier topic might be comfort in the church or "how to stay happy right where you are" or even better "Change in the church? Not on my watch". I have always struggled with the fact that anywhere else on this Earth or even in our Universe change is constant, unless we are talking about "the church". It is said that the only thing in life that is "constant" is change. Except, in the church, where the only thing constant about change is our constant fight to try to make sure change can't happen. Silly us, if its constant everywhere then it will also be constant in the church. So, what the heck am I blogging about? Well, I am not exactly sure except to maybe tell you that I have spent the last couple of years trying to not only embrace change but to jump on board its big comet tail and ride it through God's perfect kingdom. Maybe its to tell you to grab hold of this comet and join me, join Dr Rush, join Nathan, join Damon, and even our newest licensed dude Drew as we navigate God's ever changing work as it impacts our community, our state, this country and our world for His "Greater Good". Oh, and don't worry! Even with all of us on board there is still more than enough room for you and whoever else wants to take the ride of their life!

Is This Really Happening?

So I guess I will try this blog thing out second. Here I go!

The past few weeks of my life have been absolutely crazy. I just completed my second year as a college student a couple weeks ago and as of this past Sunday night I am a licensed minister. It kind of seems like I am in a dream really. I feel so undeserving of everything I have however I also feel extremely blessed by God who has given me everything I have now.
I became a christian at the age of 12.  I am now a "whopping" 19 year old. If you were to tell me back then that in 7 years I would be a licensed minister and be working along side one of the greatest church staffs God has ever put together I probably would have laughed in your face. WOW! What a journey this has been for me! I would just like to take some time and let the blog-nation know and read some words I have for some of my best friends a.k.a. the church staff.

Cory- I am still wondering how you were able to reach out to me. I was so quiet and now...not so much really. I have loved serving with you so much and really appreciate everything you have shown/taught me. I love that we share an office and get to laugh everyday with each other. There is no way I would be where I am at today without all of you help and guidance.

Damon- I know it has only been a couple of months of knowing each other but I also thank God for placing you in my life. I love how one minute we are throwing pens at each other or taping office doors shut then an instant later we are discussing some serious matters or problem solving little details of everyday church work. I am blessed to call you friend.

Nathan- Although you have only officially been on staff for a month I still feel close to you. I remember thinking you were God's gift to earth when I was 12 at our DNOW. Even though there were a few years between then and now where we never spoke or saw each other I love the fact that we really just picked up where we left off. Once again I am pinching myself wondering if this is really happening.

Richard- You already know that I like you the most (wink). But really you have been a blessing in all of our lives and I am truly thankful for that. You allowed me to be part of the church staff team and I am so grateful for that. You completely changed my view towards older generations(and yes I know you are not old). I thank God simply because you care about all of us. Thank you Pastor.

Well I hope everyone enjoyed my lil blurb on here. These truly are some great men that I get to work along side with. I love each and every one of them. Blog world if you run into them stop and tell them thank you and that you appreciate them. They deserve it!


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Well, I guess this is a blog?

I have been in church since the day I was born, you know the kind...born in the nursery. My life was full of Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night, VBS, etc. When I was young we attended a very small church and I remember us taking our turn to clean the building and mow the yard on a Saturday. Its just what we did. Everyday brings me a little closer to the big 4-0. Lately I have spent a lot of time self-evaluating. I had heard it was a good thing to do, not sure who came up with it but I would like to punch him in the neck! My self evaluation has led me to also evaluate the way I was raised both in the home and in the church building. I will focus now on my early thoughts about my church life.

My earliest memories of church are all about learning what not to do. All the "sins" I was not to commit. Don't drink, cuss, smoke, or chew and don't hang out with the girls that do... That pretty much sums up my early Christian education. Don't do this, don't do that. But, one memory always has stood out from the was a poster hanging on the door in our children's Sunday school class. It was a picture of some strange man with a hinged skull. Kind of like a hatch for easy access to the brain. Well lemons are just pouring out of the sky and into the trap door in this guys head. Then out of his mouth flows a fountain of the tart yellow stuff and I am sure you have guessed the quote on the poster: "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade". Wow! Deep stuff huh?

One problem, no one ever told me what these life lemons were and if they are good are bad. Also, they never told me what to do with this lemonade when I get done making it. You see, when all you are ever told is what not to do then you tend to be limited in the what to do area.

Now the only reason I talk about this now is because I have not seen a lot of change in the church even to this day. Church is known in our culture by what it stands against and almost never what it stands for. Most recently, the majority of the churches of Lubbock have let it be known that they are against expanding alcohol sales. Other times we are known for being against abortion, against homosexuals, against dancing, Mormons, Muslims, etc. Maybe you are saying "what's wrong with that?" While questioning my Christian raising I decided to read the words of Christ and His ministry on Earth. What I found might surprise you! He was "for" way more stuff than he was "against". I would like to cover more of that a little later. But, for now I encourage you to read the gospels and spend some time listening to the words of Jesus. Warning: to do so you will probably have to put out of your head a lot of what you have been told while growing up in church. Just empty your head and heart and let Jesus' own words fill them back up. Warning #2: It is pretty heavy and awesome stuff. Way better than lemons and lemonade.